Building upon the success of the conformal bootstrap in the recent years, we believe the time is ripe for exploring new numerical and analytical approaches to the S-matrix Bootstrap program. The goal of the workshop is to bring together specialists on different topics like the conformal bootstrap, 2D integrable S-matrices, uses of dispersion relations in pion scattering and the analytic S-matrix theory.


Local organizers:  Joao Penedones, Jon Toledo

Organizing committee:  Zohar Komargodski, Balt van Rees, Pedro Vieira



This workshop is supported by the Simons Non-perturbative Bootstrap Collaboration.

Simons Collaborations, made possible by support from the Simons Foundation, bring together groups of outstanding scientists to address mathematical or theoretical topics of fundamental scientific importance in which a significant new development has created a novel area for exploration or provided a new direction for progress in an established field.